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This free sample cover letter for a mental health worker has an accompanying mental health worker sample resume and sample mental health worker job advertisement to help you put together a winning job application.
Leanne Johns
Practice Manager
Sydney Community Health Centre
Sydney NSW 2000
Dear Ms Johns
Re: Community Mental Health Worker
I am writing to apply for the position of Community Mental Health Worker, as advertised recently on
I am a qualified mental health worker, with six years of experience in providing community, counselling and rehabilitation services to clients and families dealing with mental health issues. I have a great commitment to providing the highest standard of quality care to individuals, families and communities, to contribute positive mental health services that improve clients’ quality of life.
I have completed both a Bachelor of Social Work and a Diploma of Counselling, and I am a member of the AASW and Australian Counselling Association.
I currently work within a multidisciplinary community mental health team. In my role as a mental health outreach worker, I work with clients and their families and carers to provide support, counselling, information and referral to people who are experiencing difficulties with their mental health and who are homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless. I manage a case load of eight long-term clients at any given time and am responsible for developing and providing home-based care plans, and working with mental health services, housing services, education services and other collaborative services to help clients achieve an optimal level of independence and opportunities for integrating into the community. I gain immense personal rewards from my work and often receive commendations from colleagues and clients’ carers for my creative and innovative approaches to providing support. For instance, I work with clients on keeping and reviewing a Goal Plan Diary – a journal that we fill in together to document goals, aspirations and ambitions, as well as strategies for achieving them.
Prior to my experience working with clients in an outreach setting, I gained invaluable experience working with outpatients as a hospital social worker. I assisted clients to maintain their treatment regimes, monitored their mental health and safety, and collaborated with psychiatrists and nurses to adjust safety and wellness interventions in response to changes in mental health.
My career experiences have given me a deep understanding of mental health issues and their impact on clients and families. I am passionate about contributing my skills and knowledge to those in the Sydney community living with mental health issues.
My resume is attached and provides additional details of my professional experience and career achievements. Please call me at your convenience should you require additional details. I look forward to being able to discuss the position with you further.
Yours sincerely,
[sign here]
Jason Richardson
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