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5 Signs You Need to Hire A Resume Writer

Jenny Sakr

Nov 19,2018


If you’ve decided to look for a new job, then the future can feel precarious. The last thing you want to do is shell out money for services you don’t need. Yet, hiring a professional resume writer could be just what you need to get a new job. The magic they weave with your resume could even help you get an interview for your dream job. If you think that dream job is out of your reach, you could very well be wrong.

What is a resume writer?

Professional resume writers take your education, work experience, and skills and craft them into the perfect resume. First impressions count. A resume writer can help you grab the attention of the hiring managers, get your foot in the door and the chance to progress to the next stage of the hiring process.

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How then do you know if you need to bite the bullet and pay for the services of a resume writer?

You know you need to hire a professional resume writer if one of the following scenarios sounds familiar:

1 – You have trouble blowing your own trumpet

Marketing yourself isn’t your thing, and you struggle to write about your own accomplishments. Not everyone finds writing about themselves easy. I’m a professional writer and I HATE to write my own Bio. Yup, even those of us who write for a living can find writing about ourselves hard. There is no shame in this, and sometimes getting an outside perspective can be a great confidence boost, and at the same time, they can help you frame your accomplishments in the best possible (and most professional) way.

2 – You have been fishing for work for a long time

Time has been flying by, and you have actually lost count of the number of applications you have filled in and resumes you have sent. And despite all this hard work from your part, which has included spending lots of time tweaking, spell checking and reworking your resume, you haven’t been offered any interviews. If this sounds like you, then using a professional resume writer may help you identify what your resume is missing, hence why you may not be getting any interview offers. Sometimes when we are bogged down in a document we have created, we fail to see the bigger picture. Getting an outsider perspective on your career and achievements so far, and how you’ve approached your resume could very well help you to turn everything around and start getting some interviews.

3 – You need to fill in the gaps

Sometimes for various reasons, we end up with gaps in our employment. Whether you were off travelling the world, or at home raising children these things you have been doing instead of working aren’t disadvantages. Your experiences make you who you are. Along the way you have developed your character and unique skills which perhaps other candidates haven’t. A professional resume writer knows how to present these gaps on your resume so the hiring managers see your gaps as advantages too.

4 – You have changed jobs a lot and don’t know how best to present this pattern

When you have changed jobs frequently, then sometimes this can give the hiring manager the impression you won’t stay long or commit to the job you are applying for. This isn’t necessarily the case, and I am sure there were valid reasons behind each change. A professional resume writer knows how to present your work history in a positive light and doing this well can get you through to the interview stage.

5 – You’re just not a writer

And that doesn’t mean you can’t do your job very well, it just means words ain’t your thang. That’s okay, know when to get the pro’s in! You are good at your job, and you have many valuable skills but that doesn’t mean you can write well. A professional resume writer uses their writing skills and knowledge of the job market to help you express yourself in a compelling way in just two pages. Why struggle alone when there are people ready to put their skills into action and help you shine on paper?

How to choose a resume writer?

Once you’ve decided you want to use a resume writer then the next question is how to choose one?! Well, make sure you check their credentials. There is a range of different qualifications resume writers can pursue, from basic certifications to Masters level. Many will specialise in a particular field. Conduct some research to see if there are particular resume writing qualifications relevant to your industry and niche. Once you have someone in mind have a look at their portfolio and ask about the success rates of their clients. Finally, ask them if they have any reviews or feedback from previous clients that they can share with you.

About the author

Jenny found her way with words while interning during uni, since, she's produced articles on it all – from hair and beauty to homewares, travel, career advice and study tips. On a weekend you're most likely to find her lining up for a table at the latest cafe or restaurant.

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