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Job Tips

Cheat Sheets to Help You Feel Extra Prepared for Your Interview

Elesha Piper

Sep 17,2019


Nice work! You just found out you landed the interview. Now what? Do a few victory fist pumps and then pull yourself together – there’s prep work to do!

If you’re wondering “how should I prepare for an interview?” look no further than this list of cheat sheets we’ve cherry-picked to help you ace your interview. 

3 Questions You Should Be Asking In A Job Interview 

An interview is a two-way street. Your potential employer will be asking questions about you and your skills, but you need to have a few questions to ask too. 

It will help you figure out if the company is a right fit and if you don’t have any questions, it may look like you aren’t interested or haven’t prepared. The questions you ask could elevate you from average to a stand out candidate. 

Keep these 3 questions in mind and you won’t be stuck!

How To Create Chemistry With Your Interviewer

Creating chemistry with your interviewer is important. Surveys have shown that the majority of interviewers base their final decision on ‘chemistry’ with the candidate. No, not the romantic kind…the professional kind. We’ve put together tips to create that spark of professional magic!

Getting Over Nerves

Interviews and nerves go hand in hand. When you get the call for your dream job, it’s natural to feel jittery in an ‘I just drank 3 long blacks in an hour’ kind of way. 

If you don’t get your nerves under control though, they could derail your first impression and cost you the job. Stakes are high! 

Get our tips for fronting up as your calmest, capable self. You got this.

8 Essential Body Language Tips For Job Interviews

How you answer the questions is the most important thing, right? 

Not so fast. Your answers are only half the story. Your body language speaks volumes – studies have shown that people form first impressions based 55% on body language and only 7% on actual verbal content. Don’t let your body language sabotage you – get these essential tips for communicating in a confident, open way without saying a word.

What to wear to an interview 

What the Helsinki do you wear to an interview?!

Don’t think what you wear won’t matter – it will. Science shows that a great outfit can empower you, boost your confidence levels, and help you make a killer first impression.

We’ve got you covered with 3 rules for a great outfit for any industry. Corporate, creative, trades, or a casual workplace we share how to put together your best ‘hire-me’ look. 

How To Answer Interview Questions

Having an idea of the questions asked in an interview and how to answer them is interview prep 101. Do not miss this step! 

Although there is a chance you’ll be thrown a doozy, like Microsoft’s infamous ‘why are manhole covers round’, it’s more likely that you’ll be on the receiving end of this list of typical self-reflexive and evidence-based questions.

Video Interview Tips

Video interviews are more common than ever, thanks to the rise of remote and work from home jobs. If you’ve got yourself a virtual call, don’t take it any less seriously than if you were fronting up in person. 

Interview Tips For Mature Age Workers 

Are you a mature-age worker? Don’t let the idea of age discrimination faze you; even if you’ve experienced it in the past. These tips will help you approach the interview with energy and strategy so you can shine and prove that you are the right applicant for the job.

About the author

Elesha is a passionate writer at Career FAQs, sharing knowledge on career building, job search techniques, and workplace success.

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