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Job Tips

Job Interview Question and Answer: If You Were A Piece of Fruit What Would You Be?

Although it sounds like a question from a cheesy dating program, this is actually an invitation for you to showcase your skills and qualities.

Louisa Veidelis

Oct 13,2011


Although it sounds like something from a cheesy dating program, this interview question is actually an invitation for you to showcase your skills and qualities.

Questions like this are designed for employers to get an insight into how well you can think on your feet, and how you react in a high-pressure situation. Think of this kind of question as an opportunity to talk about any aspect of your personality that you think the employer would be impressed with.

Think of your strengths, and match them with the characteristics required for the job or industry. Then think of a fruit (or colour, or animal) which could embody these qualities. Your explanation is more important than the fruit you pick, as it brings your response back to what you have to offer the company. 

Here are some examples that you can use as inspiration for your response:

  • 'I would be an apple. Apples can be juiced, baked, eaten on their own or in a fruit salad. Similarly, I am versatile and can perform well in different situations, on my own or in a team. And if an apple a day keeps the doctor away, I am just as reliable and will be a healthy asset to your organisation.'
  • 'I would be a passionfruit. This is a hardy fruit that grows well in higher altitudes. Similarly, I thrive under pressure, can take criticism and am also very passionate about what I do.'
  • 'I would be a banana. I have a soft centre and excellent people skills, but I also have a thick skin and am not put off by setbacks. I grow and develop all year round.'

Employers also want to see that you have a sense of humour. Have fun with this question and be prepared to show off your personality!

See our full list of interview questions and answers to help you in your next interview!

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