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Job Tips

Smart Moves to Make When Your Job Search Is Going Nowhere

Elesha Piper

Jun 03,2019


You’re spending hours pounding the keyboard with what feels like hundreds (or thousands!) of applications but your job search is going nowhere? Take a deep breath, we’ve got 6 smart moves you can make to get yourself noticed and land that interview! One tip is as easy as sliding a button – literally!

Makeover Your Resume

You’ve updated the details on your resume….but have you given it a makeover?

An attention-grabbing, beautifully designed CV is your best bet at standing out in a sea of standard Word Doc applications and no, you don’t need to be a graphic designer to pull it off.

It doesn’t get much easier than downloading a professionally designed resume and cover letter template. Simply choose your favourite design (there’s 27 to choose from) and fill in the blanks. Not an ounce of design experience required.  

Another idea to boost your job search success is creating your own one-page website; again, it’s not as hard as it sounds. Website builder Wix has a selection of website CV and portfolio templates covering a range of industries from corporate through to science.

Brush Up Your Skills With An Online Course

What better way to use your time between jobs than to brush up on your professional skills. It boosts your resume and keeps your mind focused and occupied rather than spending hours stressing that your job search is going nowhere. Need some inspiration? Check out courses on everything from nutrition to beauty therapy and web development to business management on our course page here.

Choosing an online course gives you the flexibility can keep up your study around your new working schedule once you land that job of your dreams!

Find The Perfect Keywords

Every word counts when it comes to your job search cover letter and CV but it’s a case of quality over quantity – and using the right keywords.

What are keywords? They’re the words that relate directly to the role you’re applying for and by including them in your resume and cover letter, you can boost your chances of interview success.

The best way to find relevant keywords is to scrutinise the job ad for the job you’re applying for, as well as other ads for similar roles. The job ad will reveal what skills, experiences, qualifications and other qualities they’re looking for, and it’s a good idea to mirror the language in the job description to show you’re a good match  

Check out Keywords – The Secret To A Powerful Resume for an in-depth explanation of how to use keywords to turn a failing job search around.

Take A Day Off Your Job Search

You know what they say; looking for a job is a job in itself! If you’re between jobs, it’s likely you’re filling some part of your day on the job search diligently scouring job ads and personalising cover letters for what feels like the millionth time.

If you’ve been at it for a while and beginning to feel disheartened that your job search is going nowhere, give yourself a day off. Give your mind a chance to take a breather, relax and get back to it feeling fresh and revitalised the next day.

Let LinkedIn Know You’re Looking

Landing your next role could be as easy as sliding a single button. LinkedIn’s ‘Open Candidates’ button in the ‘Career Interests’ section of your profile can be switched to ON to let recruiters know you’re open to opportunities.

If you’re still in a role but looking to land a new job or make a career change, only you can see this section of your profile – your current employer won’t know you’re looking!

Try Your Luck With Unlisted Jobs

Don’t limit your job search to roles posted on job boards or with recruitment agencies; reach out to an organisation directly.

Make a list of 5 – 10 organisations you’d love to work for, head to the LinkedIn page and from there look up the employee that may be the most relevant person to send your email and CV too.

Take the email address from the website; it’s likely to be a generic email but in your introduction should be addressed to the name of the contact you located on LinkedIn. This shows you’ve done your research!

Craft a personalised introductory email explaining why you’re getting in touch. You might consider beginning your email with a short story to quickly highlight a personal connection with the brand.

“I’ve been a fan of your vegan makeup line for years. I LOVE the foundation and as an animal lover, it’s fantastic the range is cruelty-free! I’m a digital director and getting in touch to express my interest in any openings you may have in your marketing department; currently or in the future…”

Some of the best roles never even make it to job search sites and this method may land you the job of your dreams!

About the author

Elesha is a passionate writer at Career FAQs, sharing knowledge on career building, job search techniques, and workplace success.

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