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Tips for Psychometric Tests

Here are some tips on how to ace a psychometric test.

Helen Isbister

Oct 13,2011

  • Find out as much as you can about the test before the day and, if appropriate, ask if there are any &#39past papers&#39 to practise on.
  • Have a good night&#39s sleep before the test and eat a healthy breakfast on the day.
  • If there is going to be a numeracy/literacy/reasoning component, practise doing these types of questions.
  • Read all instructions carefully, even if they seem obvious to you.
  • Don&#39t be afraid to ask questions to the administrator.
  • If you&#39re taking the test online from home, wear smart clothes and shoes and sit upright at a table to get into a business frame of mind.
  • Don&#39t skim the questions to scope what looks easy or hard at the beginning; just move from one question to the next, pacing yourself.
  • Don&#39t dwell on one question for too long – if you&#39re not sure, leave it until the end and go back to it.
  • On personality components be honest and be yourself. Don&#39t second-guess what the company wants you to say and don&#39t attempt to cheat (they have ways to catch you out).
  • Don&#39t worry! Even if you flunk the test, you&#39re still in with a chance as the hiring decision is based on a combination of your resume, interview performance and presentation, work history and test results.
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