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Job Tips

Vanessa Falzon – Work Integrated Learning Consultant & Alumni Services

Part of the alumni services team for The Hotel School, Vanessa is dedicated to student engagement, improving students’ employability and growing their skills for the workplace.

Jenny Sakr

Feb 02,2018


Vanessa loved all things The Hotel School so much that after graduating from there she returned to join their alumni services team.  She’s a young, motivated and energetic professional who is fascinated by meeting new people.

When Vanessa is outside of The Hotel School HQ you’ll find her baking (her speciality is children’s cakes), doing yoga, rollerblading or by the beach.

What is your current role and what does it involve?

As the Work Integrated Learning Consultant and Alumni Services, I am dedicated to student engagement. I work for the Professional Learning Centre and we aim to improve students’ employability through professional development sessions. I facilitate, organise and plan sessions for students that help grow their professional and personal skills for the workplace. I also maintain communication and the relationship with THS (The Hotel School) graduates.

What did you study to get into this field?

I completed a Bachelor of Business in Hotel Management from THS.

What was your first job and what do you think it taught you?

Café waitress – it taught a lot about the hospitality industry, food and beverage requirements (challenges and fun parts), time management, and most importantly people skills.

What’s the most interesting thing that’s happened to you in your career?

Working for two years in Japan as an English teacher, having never been to the country (apart from a two-day stopover) and not being able to speak English.

Name a career high

Being given the opportunity to come and work for The Hotel School!

Name a career low

Not being given Training Manager at a previous workplace as I resigned just before this opportunity became available.

Name something you still don’t know

Finance, budgeting and rostering skills

What’s the most important career tip someone has given you?

Every experience is a learning opportunity – everything happens for a reason!

What career advice do you wish someone had given you when you finished high school?

Don’t focus on grades, focus on what skills you can gain from those subjects, and also remember to stay close to your contacts – networking is vital!

Name somewhere on your travel bucket list


What qualities and skills should people have if they want to become a manager?

Time and people management, putting others needs before your own, effective communication, and being emotionally intelligent.

What steps do people have to take to get into hotel management?

Hotel management takes time, it doesn’t just happen overnight. You need to show your worth, you can’t earn the respect of a junior if you’ve done their job. Remember that all roles are important, not just your own!

What’s next for you?

Moving overseas again to continue my career in Hospitality and/or education and completing my MBA.

Love meeting new people, travelling and helping others? You can do all that and more when you get qualified with a course in hospitality. See what courses we have available and enquire today! 

The Hotel School Alumni

About the author

Jenny found her way with words while interning during uni, since, she's produced articles on it all – from hair and beauty to homewares, travel, career advice and study tips. On a weekend you're most likely to find her lining up for a table at the latest cafe or restaurant.

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